Gaia invites Us To Explore Her Roots in a Hynotrip

Dr. Mann’s HYPNOTRIP #3 ROOTS opens the door of creation so we can explore Planet Earth, GAIA below our feet. ‘MENTAL ROOTS’ growing from our FEET, extend from our unified chakras and our heart space to unite with Gaia and all nature’s life forms and atmosphere.

As a steward of the planet I connect with nature and thank the four REGENTS- EL- KA –LEEM- OM as ‘Earths Living Library. I’m able to direct my consciousness and create a visualization of a better world to live in.

Listening to the tapes I can join my energies with greater intent and feel the power of others who seek a similar path for the world and themselves. I think it would be awesome if we used these techniques to change our world together with common goals.

I use the methodologies and information to create new images for my paintings. In addition these tapes give positive imagery to discover self-healing techniques for my battle with lung cancer. I am happy to share my discoveries and the ways I have used these tools so we can all benefit together.

This is my latest new world painting showing Gaia’s plan to renew her beauty and the compassionate life that existed here. In the beginning of the planet’s history the light workers ate and were sustained by the Light. As man’s nature became coarser with adaptations he made to life on Earth man’s vibes became heavier, requiring more than Light. Food was grown here and there was plenty for all. Everything was on a perfect ecological system, and Gaia was happy.


Cancer Misery Leaves in a Cup Of Sour sop Tea

This picture is from a children’s story book when I grew up. Yes that’s little black Sambo, he was chasing the tiger’s tale and they ran so fast

I met a woman and she told me
Of her discovery
Drinking leaf tea from a tree in Belise
Shrinking her tumor one inch with ease

At the Farmers Market on Dufferin and Bloor
Another man said he’d heard more

A man from low down Argentina
Said it was 3 times meana
Than chemo
Wow, what do I know?

The man was there on Thursday  and I bought the sour sop leaf
Drinking it, would I find such relief
In my gut, a sensation, knowing, my intention, my belief
The market’s season was finished
Was my quest diminished

The lady in Belize said Oh please
Don’t cha know teabags fly and
Sour sop leaves eat cancer
And there’s the answer

So many trees
So many tea drinkers
So many analytic thinkers
Sounds better already, we’ll let you know
In this new world with Gaia ascending

People create their own jobs from their knowings, intent and passion
Remember it’s do whatever you like, that’s the fashion

Get on your bikes and deliver.  Is this a job for you?

This picture is from a children's story book when I grew up. Yes that's little black Sambo, he was chasing the tiger's tale and they ran so fast
This picture is from a children’s story book when I grew up. Yes that’s little black Sambo, he was chasing the tiger’s tale and they ran so fast they melted into butter

Call, we’ll find you a route ?

I was hoping this woman would respond as I do need more sour sop . I hope she is ok

A Recipe for New Lungs

A fellow artist made pre-fab  lungs and posted them on Google.They looked terrific. I followed his directions:

Blow real hard, that sounded like a good thing to do. But no one else agreed. Unfortunately, they remained thumbnail size. I better look for other possibilities.

How could I forget the recipe in the Akasic Library. They look lovely. I ‘ll let you know when they cool down.

Blind Artist Needs Glasses


Oh, I was blind but now I see.

The Palliative doctor who comes to my house made an appointment for me to go see the Eye Doctor. He knew I was having problems.  I  was a little late cuz I was tired but I knew the eye doctor would still be there, He was hoping someone would come in. I missed the stop as I couldn’t see the numbers, and it was evident just how much air consumption I needed as I was really huffing and puffing and nearly walked through the glass door.

Dr. Eyes was happy to see me and he said he was personal friends with Dr.Mozzota so he knew all about me. He said I had advanced lung cancer. Wait a moment, did he say that? In spite of the three new tumors on the right groin and two the left I said the oncologist said it was getting better, like gone in a week. He refused to make diements.
Then he sent me to “play with the girls”. He said play but he meant try on frames.She said,”Expensive?”meaning the price Old age would approve,  $130.
When Dr. Eyes came out of his room,  he told me,” Even if every part of you has cancer, at least you’ll have 20/20 vision.”

Wow ! Did I miss something here?

Tombstone for An Artist with Cancer. Oh Lucy, How did I ever Chose this Career?

Although I survived two lung surgeries,
three years apart, I feel breathless and spunkless.
Only 30% of my lungs remain and cancer is eating that … Don’t look now, Cancer 3 is back again.

However I paint, write, not too much singing but I’m grateful, then depressed as I feel I have a limited amount of time.
I still have more things to tell the world, images to jolt or soothe. Damn it I am Not ready.
I have paintings galore and I keep painting more.

Tomb of the Unknown Artist-How did I pick this career? Why Me?
Tomb of the Unknown Artist-How did I pick this career? Why Me?

Pot Power wages War on Cancer

Cannabis oil, used around the world to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer,suddenly was phased out when the pharmaceutical companies began using it’s own remedies.

Rick Simpson, a medical marijuana activist, on a crusade to help others heal, shared his marijuana cure, free of charge. He had testimonials from those who were healed to back up his claims ~ that cannabis annihilates cancer.

Now I have a plan.
When I first ordered medical cannabis I was left wondering “what is this all about.”
There are two values the THC and the CBO. At first I ordered red, highest THC and low CBO. This is the one where you forget you have CA and go to la la land. Also good for pain management.

Then I learned more. Blue has low THC, so not a big high, but high CBO, the cancer eater agent.

Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health: a Cannabis Documentary, and Carolanne Wright contributing Writer for Wake Up World, published information, and evidence in the Scientific Studies from the National Institute of Health that pot has many attributes to fight cancer,all cancers and for me, it’s lung cancer.

Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, enhanced the susceptibility of cancer cells to adhere to and subsequently be lysed by LAK cells, with both effects being reversed by a neutralizing ICAM-1 antibody.

I think this means  pot could be used as a  novel therapeutic agent. So get it. Right  Doctor.

Ramer R, Merkord J, Rohde H, Hinz B.
Biochem Pharmacol. 2010 Apr 1; 79(7):955-66. Epub 2009 Nov 13.

Fix-Yourself : the Akasha Living Libraries

  • I was inspired by the man who made these paintings of lungs in air-part-one.

I think blowing real hard sounds like a good thing to do.I’ll keep looking for other possibilities. 
Yes, I knew I had the recipe, somewhere. I’ll just make a new pair and a new body.


Gofundme All the intergalactic people came to earth…little known facts


My position, Hostess for Intergalactic Travelers and Visitors to Earth, has been replaced by Healing my Cancer, my latest major concern, although I have a part time position, just in case.

I’m telling that cancer where to go. Not to this planet we have enough.

http://heretheyare.wordpress.comAll the intergalactic people came to earth for the Wedding. Few have returned and are using this opportunity for travel, to see our wonderful planet, Earth.

Traveling through space is terrific because you travel to the future but when you go home it’s the NOW, no lost time, but no travel pay. You gotta win a little, give a little…